Labels:book | plaything | poster OCR: THE ULTIMATE SCIENCE FICTION, FANTASY EWARD ROUND AND HORROR TRIVIA GAME ith nearly 5,000 questions The Scl-FI brain Channel -bending Trivia Game trivia in provides lively hours game of SCEFT shaw Format with three rounds of nan stop play. You can go head-to- -head with the cam puteror play against Friends with wealth of questions From Star Wars to The Limits 30 animated host Morphix moderates the game as he marphs inta an alien, robot adragon, epue skeleton. Questions are drawn From Five categories mavies, televi sian, camics boaks and special "warm- hole section of miscellaneaus trivia - and become increasingly diFFicult to chal- lenge even the most hard core trivia Fans MOVIES: What Futuristic Film starred Sean Connery as a hunter whase curiositg takes him inside qiant Floating stone he ...